Saturday, February 20, 2010

Saturday Snapshot

A Sick Saturday Snapshot:(
My poor little ones are ALL sick!

My little Troopers!!
Between runny nose wipes!

Ugh! I hate this! Hope they feel better soon!!
Hope all your little ones are feeling good this Saturday!!!!

Cheryl over at my favorite Twinfatuation is the host!!!
Click over and have a look at what others
are doing this Saturday.


  1. Awe! Poor little kiddos! I hate it when Rylee is sick, I can't even imagine how sad (and exhausting!) it must be with 3 sick ones! They're still adorable even when not feeling well, though. ;)

  2. Oh Brit, I am so sorry you've got a sick household! (They're so adorable, even with the snotties!)

    Thanks for playing along with Saturday Snapshot..hope all feel better soon!

  3. Awww! I hope that they all feel better soon!
