Wednesday, September 29, 2010

Homeschooling: Kindergarten - 1st grade - 2nd grade year has started!!!

We homeschool!! We LOVE it!

I LOVE flashcard! We can take these anywhere!! E loves them too!

Please Email with any questions about the books or flash cards I have posted today!

The many books I have added E's homeschool curriculum!!
Since the Public school year has begun, people are always asking Elias if he has started school. He always replies "Yes!! I am homeschooled by my Mommy". Oh, the looks we get. Sometimes they smile, but other times....Ahhhh, not so much. The other day I ran into another Homeschooling Mama, and she asked "what curriculum are you using?" I don't think she liked my response, but thats ok. We all have to do what is right for our own children.
We officially started the school year on August 1st! I has been going great! Elias is so eager to learn. Before we began I hoped that we would do 45 minutes of work at a time with a 15 minute break between each activity. I didn't want to overload him and them him end up dreading school. Much to my surprise we spend a average of 2 hours at a time on each subject (different ones each day...a max of 4) I couldn't have asked for a better little student! This year I decided to combine Kindergarten, 1st & 2nd grades. Now, a month later our main focus seems to be more at the 1st-3rd levels!!!
Some of the things we have been learning:
the pledge of allegiance,
states and capitals (not all of course),
the planets
Still to come for the Fall season:
Thanksgiving, a one month study of Native Americans, for this we will focus on the Choctaw and Black Foot tribes (I am 1/16 Choctaw).
We will also do all kinds of fun activities dealing with:
Seasons, and
Christmas...the Birth of Jesus, and what Christmas is all about.
Outside of the "regular" subjects, we will be working on:
Building Character,
Loving Family, and
Bible Study!
I made the decision early on that I would put together our curriculum, piece by piece! Over the last few months, and have put together what I believe to be a awesome school year plan!

Visit the Homeschool Tab for tons of Free homeschool Printables and links!

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