From the back cover of Two Tickets to the Christmas Ball a Novella:
"Every year, the Matchmaking booksellers of the Sage Street bookshop host a enchanting, old-fashioned Christmas Ball for the Romantic matches they've decided to bring together." the Perfect word to describe Two Tickets to the Christmas Ball a Novella
Favorite Quote: page 83
Sandy's words- "This is what Jesus said: 'Let the little Children come to me, and do not hinder them, for the Kingdom of God belongs to such as these. I tell you the truth, anyone who will not receive the kingdom of God like little a child will never enter it.' Then the bible says Jesus took the children in His arms and blessed them. That means that people who think like a little child are special to God." The words of sweet Sandy gave me chills and tears. In my family we have our own special and very sweet "Sandy" and I love the way this is approached by Donita...Just beautiful and sweet!
Two Tickets to the Christmas is Ball a Novella is a whimsical book about, a very different pair (Cora and Simon) with very different families, a peculiar street, a few odd shoppes and owners. Donita K. Paul has hit the jackpot with Two Tickets to the Christmas is Ball, she uses fun whimsical names like Wizbotterdad & Booterbaw, with a old fashioned feel, in addition she paints a fantastic picture that makes you feel as if you are a part of this whimsical adventure.
From the moment I saw the cover of Two Tickets to the Christmas is Ball I knew I would love it! From the very first word I was hooked. Without realizing it, I found my self half way through the book in only one short hour, I found my self laughing out loud many times. This is the kind of book you don't want to put down. When I did put it down, I found my self wondering what was going to happen and how events were going to play out!
Two Tickets to the Christmas is Ball beautifully tells a story of God's Divine plan, and how events can play out to show us what has always been right in front of us! I found my self identifying with Cora's Family and Simon's family both at the same time. Sandy will make you smile & the Booterbaw Sisters will make you laugh! Two Tickets to the Christmas is Ball is a fun loving, whimsical, funny adventure that I would recommend to everyone! The book is filled with tons of smart quotes. It is a perfect book for a cold night when the kids are in bed, or by the fire.
By Donita K. Paul
ISBN-13: 9780307458995
Pub. Date: October 2010
Publisher: The Doubleday Religious Publishing Group
Format: Hardcover, 340 pages
Single women/Fiction
Please get your self a copy of Two Tickets to the Christmas Ball a Novella, you will be so happy you did!
Two Tickets would be a perfect gift!
Disclosure of Material Connection: I received this book free from the publisher through WaterBrook Multnomah Publishing Group book review bloggers program. I was not required to write a positive review. The opinions I have expressed are 100% my own.