Wednesday, April 20, 2011

The Gabby Mom's - April Mission: Eternal Encouragement Magazine

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For this months Mission with the The Gabby Mom's, I was sent the latest edition of Eternal Encouragement Magazine formerly TEACH Magazine. What's the Magazine’s vision? “Inspire Women to Become More Like Jesus Every Day.”

Psst, I am really embarrassed to tell you this but...although it's been around for a while, this is the very first time I have read it! I wish I would have known what I was missing! God had a plan for April's review for The Gabby Mom‘s

Let me say first off, I love the size of it. It is a small 5x7 about the size of a magazine folded in half! It is perfect for my busy life, I can put it in the baby bag or my purse and have it right there on hand when I have a little down time. But, don't let this tiny magazine fool you, it's size in no way reflects what is in it! It is jam packed full of wonderful articles that you'll actually want to read! When was the last time you picked up a magazine and wanted to read every single article? Yeah, I can't think of when either! You will with Eternal Encouragement Magazine!

This little magazine is broken down into three sections or departments as Eternal Encouragement calls them.

  • Godly Women
  • Godly Homemakers
  • Godly Mothers

Below each heading there is the page number and name of the article. This makes it very easy to find just want you need or are looking for!

"I had to admit it, my kids were right. See, they hadn't said they didn't get time to play. They said they didn't get much time to play with me. There is a HUGE difference."

 -From: It Just "Donned" on me - The Life of a Homemaking Mom by Donna Venning

When did he get so big? This is a common statement between my husband and my self about our oldest son. He was just a baby and now he's 6 and can read and write, he has ideas, likes and baby is a little man!

After reading this wonderful Article, I began to reflect on many different things:
Am I a mother who takes time? What is my focus? Do I clean first, play (with the kiddos) later?

How can I be a better Mommy? Elias - "Play with us more Mommy!!"

Mini Interview with my 6 year old son:

1. What is something that Mommy does every single day?
Answer: Work on the computer

2. How much does Mommy play with you and the twins?
Answer: A lot

3. What do you want Mommy to do more?
Answer: Play with us

4. What do you want Mommy to do less?
Answer: Stuff on the Computer

5. What kind of Mommy is your Mommy?
Answer: A good Mommy!

Well, there it is! What did I learn? My little man is growing up and I don't want to miss time with him, because I have someone to email, or a article to write, a's not worth it and that's that! Tonight we went on our nightly family walk to the park. When we got there we stopped at the baseball field and played baseball...actually played!! I'm a huge tomboy and I love sports, it took no effort on my part, I love the feel and the sound when the baseball and the bat collide! After baseball we headed to the play area, on the way there my husband and older son play tetherball, then off to the slide and swings...the twins love the slide! When it was time to start heading home Elias excitedly asked if I would like to play a quick game of tetherball, without thinking I said "no, not tonight." He was very disappointed. I thought about - It Just "Donned" on me. Why'd I say no? Yes, I hate tetherball, but this is my child wanting to spend time with his Mommy! I quickly corrected my self and said "Yeah, Elias lets play tetherball!!" His back was to me when I said it. He turned around with the most excited look on his sweet little face! I can't even begin to tell you how it made me feel. What did I learn tonight? No matter what the game, they are my children who won't be children forever...and I'm gonna play!! Oh, and I actually enjoyed tetherball A LOT, maybe it was the company!

A Mother Who Takes Time
Author Unknown
I hope my Children
Look back on today
And remember a mother
Who took time to play.
There will be time
For cleaning and cooking
But children grow up
While we aren't looking.

7 Simple Steps to a Discipline Turnaround: from the Godly Mothers Department

Do your kids dawdle? Does it drive you crazy? Yeah, me too! My son has turned dawdling into an art, he can make a 10 minute task turn into a 2 hour event. My husband and I were at a loss in how to address this. Lorrie has a wonder 7 step program to help eliminate the dawdling!

  • Step One - Talk
  • Step Two - Explain
  • Step Three - Give them a Tour
  • Step Four - Consequences
  • Step Five - Follow-through it Key
  • Step Six - Make sure the Finish
  • Step Seven - Model Jesus

If you would like to read more, why not subscribe? Head on over to the Eternal Encouragement
website at for subscription details.
“I received this product for honest review from Eternal Encouragement Magazine as a part of The Gabby Moms blogging program. All opinions expressed are solely my own.”


  1. Loved that you shared your mini-interview!
    fellow Gabby Mom

  2. The mini-interview was a nice touch. I had a similar conversation with my 8yo son. He also said he would like it if I spent less time on the computer and more time with him. I'm trying...

  3. I love your review.. and I find myself leaving your blog up so I can listen to the music! I also have a daughter named Gabi! She is 21 months and the youngest of 6! We have alot in common, christian, homeschooling, babywearing, breastfeeding, cloth diapering (soon to be cloth training pants!:O), and very attached!! :O)

  4. Love your interview with your son. I should do that here. I know they will say I am on the computer too much also. Great review!

  5. Thanks for sharing your mini interview. This is a nice touch. Maybe I'll do the same thing with my children and I'll most likely get the same answer - less computer time and more play time.

    I'm visiting from The Gabby Moms. I followed your blog on GFC and Networked Blogs. Hope you can visit and follow me back!

  6. Your mini interview was adorable and right to the point! Great idea!

    Fellow Gabby Mom

  7. What a beautiful blog!
    New follower!! :)
