"Cast all your cares on him for he cares for you"
Have you ever felt like the situation can't get any worse and just feel consumed, standing there watching things go from bad to worse hoping and PRAYING to escape this season, desperately wanting the bleak events surrounding you to just POOF disappear? Yeah, me too more times than I think my self and my family would care to relive.
When I recall those horrible tragic events, what I'm going through right now just doesn't seen so bad. You know the saying "It could always be worse" It's true, I know it is true, but for some reason I cannot get my self out of this emotional funk. Blame it on the season change, blame it on my post menstrual hormones, nevertheless it is still there
"Lord please give me peace, Please help this bleak season to pass us by. Lord I KNOW that you are in ultimate and total control and I trust you LORD, the whole situation is yours, my life- our lives our YOURS Lord. Amen"
I've prayed that prayer a lot over the last few days, when we haven't received the phone call that was promised, then to find out that there was a miscommunication on their part not ours, or find out that yet another friend broke a agreement.
Then I find my self yesterday reading a book, a true story about a mother who's son saw very ill and the doctors had NO IDEA what was wrong. Her and Her husband, knew that they were not in control and put their tiny baby in GOD's hands. Long story short. The doctors discovered what was wrong and that baby boy is now 10years old. In her moment of total and complete bleakness, she let go of trying to control the situation and let the Lord take over. This was her prayer that has been lingering in the back of my mind constantly since I read it.
"Dear Lord. I can't do this anymore. I thought I could, but I am exhausted, and I've got nothing left. I give it to you, Jesus. I trust you Lord. I trust you."
I think about how many times I have felt that same way and prayed that same prayer. In the plane waiting to land in LAX to go to my sisters baby funeral, or standing in the hospital room kissing my still born baby niece goodbye, or waiting on the phone call to see if my sister was going to survive. This was my prayer over and over again.
But now, waiting to get a phone call about a simple home loan refi, why do I feel like I cannot pray this prayer? As if, this situation is not worthy of a prayer like that. But the Lord tells us to "cast ALL our cares on him", not "just the really bad ones" Casting all our cares, that means the Amazing, the Good, the Bad, the Horrible, and the Bleak.
1 Peter 5:7
Here I am, today giving all the glory to God. The good, the bad, and the ugly "cast all my cares on him, for he cares for me." I have learned over the last few days that no matter the situation seek the Lord, give up all to the Lord. It will be in good hands!
Right now as I write this my he - twin is extremely emotional, he has been for a few days, no matter what I do he is just so upset, I feel at a loss, I feel like I'm letting him down. I don't know what to do, or what is wrong. I suspect his 2 year molars are coming in, my poor little man is just so sad. I want to fix this but I find my self totally overwhelmed right now. "Dear Lord. I can't do this anymore. I thought I could, but I am exhausted, and I've got nothing left. I give it to you, Jesus. I trust you Lord. I trust you." Now we cuddle!
Special Thanks to The Waiting Place by: Eileen Button
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