When it comes to Homeschool moms we often put ourselves in one of two categories...Either we are flourishing or we are failing as the teacher. We are guilty of comparing ourselves with EVERY single homeschool mom we know! I'm completely guilty of this! There are weeks when we are at Homelink {Our co-op type group} and I see these other moms preparing for the next week surrounded by school books and calendars and I think 'Ok, I am so far behind. I'm failing' In reality I know that I'm not! In fact have a schedule {ha a laugh when I write "I" and "schedule" together...FYI organization is NOT my middle name...not even close} ok back to what I was saying! I have a schedule that I like and works very well for us! However, when you are in that moment and you are talking with other moms who seem like that are so on their game it is so easy to feel like you just aren't measuring up. Why?!? Her kids are not my kids! I know the way my kids learning and chances are they are totally different then her kids.
Is it really true...are we either Flourishing or Failing? How are we gauging this? Is comparing our kids to another moms kids, comparing our school week to someones else really going to give us a clear answer?
Recently I was chatted with a few 'Teacher Mom' friends of mine. I asked what the average week looks like in their home....
Teacher Mom #1
"We get up, the kids eat, they play! We do some math and reading, then they play. Later we do some history and science, then they play. Ending our day with some spelling and writing."
Teacher Mom #2
"7am is breakfast, then we spend anywhere from 45 mins to 1 hour per subject with lunch at noon. ending our school day at 2:30-3:00"
Teacher Mom #3
"There is NO schedule, every day is different, every week is different."
Teacher Mom #4
"5 subjects per day, they vary. We play games, do art projects, I read them books. We try to make every subject engaging!"
Which of these moms is doing it right? Could they all be doing it right even though they are nothing alike? Yes! I think so! Something that my mom loved about homeschooling was the freedom to teach your child in the way that works best for that child! That is what I love about homeschooling!
Oh! by the way EVERY single one of the moms above told me that they have some much fun and so do their kids!!
Homeschooling for our family is to instill a LOVE for learning! That love that I have and that I know a lot of you have as well. I don't want to ever hear my kids say "NO not Math" or "I hate reading" because of that it is my job to create a environment where my children are excited about learning! Where they can thrive and flourish!
There are so many different ways to achieve this!
What's your Style?
Eclectic {using two or more styles
- Charlotte Mason Method
- Classical {the classical approach to homeschooling}
- Uncschooled {child-led schooling approach}
- Traditional {aka Text Book}
...or you do something totally different!
Are your kids learning? Are your kids having fun? Are you having fun and enjoying it?
GUESS WHAT!?!?! You ARE Flourishing! NOT FAILING!
It DOESN'T matter if your friend Sally is on such a schedule that it put ship captains to shame.
It DOESN'T matter if your friend June is disorganized and rarely has a schedule.
What DOES matter is that your child and you are sharing a love for learning...how ever you get to that point is up to you!
Flourish on Mama! Flourish on!
Amen, sista!