Friday, May 21, 2010

Aloha Friday & Friday Follow!!!

Aloha Friday is the day to take it easy, and relax!! Aloha is hosted by Kailani! You can play
just post a question in your blog and link up on Kailani's current Aloha
Friday post. Then visit the other blogs in the link up and answer their fun questions.
My Questions is:
When you were a kid did you want to have kids of your own? How many did you want??
My Answer:
Yes!! I wanted kids! I wanted to have 3 kids...a boy, then twin girls,
I was going to name them (at age 7): Joey, Chloe, and Zoe:)
Close...I have a older boy, then boy/girl twins! God works in his way, huh:)!!

Along with Aloha Friday, I am also playing Follow Friday!
Become my follower and don't forget to
leave a comment with your URL so that I can follow you!!
Happy Friday!!
Have a Great Weekend!


  1. Oh I wanted to have a boy and a girl! What dreams as a child...

  2. I wanted three but soon realized 2 was enough :)

    Have a great weekend!

  3. Yes I always knew that I would have children. I wanted sons, and I had three of them!

  4. I don't think I ever really thought ahead to being a mom and having kids. Whenever I played house, my "baby" was always my stuffed panda bear. I remember being a little scared of the fact that maybe I wanted to have a panda bear instead of children...
