This post is part of the Real Diaper Facts carnival hosted by Real Diaper Events, the official blog of the Real Diaper Association, a 501(c)(3) nonprofit dedicated to cloth diaper education. Participants were asked to write about diaper lies & real diaper facts. See the list at the bottom of this post to read the rest of the carnival entries.-------The Real Diaper Association asked bloggers to write about cloth diapers lies vs. facts. They sited a page on Pampers website ( that is a list of "Myths & Facts" about cloth diapers vs. disposables.
I've decided to take part, I have a big problem with these lies!
Starting with the "Myths" that Pampers used #1-#4
#5-#8 are some other common Myths to be addressed.
These are what Pampers calls"Myths":
#1 Cloth diapers are better for my baby.
Actually, they are. They don't contain the chemicals (such as Dioxin, a carcinogenic chemical listed by the EPA as the most toxic of all cancer-linked chemicals) that disposables do. Personal experiences shows little to no rashes even eliminated - by using cloth diapers, however disposables, that's a different story...Rash,rash,rash. They leak less, for us almost never! The child feel wetness, that helps in potty training, my son was younger 18 months when he started using the potty!!
#2 Cloth diapers are better for the environment than disposables.
Pampers says that Cloth & Disposables are equal. That is a flat out lie. A disposable diaper your child wears today will still be in a landfill 200-500 years from now...YUCK. 1 or 2 more loads laundry a week does not equal 200-500 years in a landfill. What about the bio hazard aspect that is human feces causes by just sitting around in landfills. 99% of the disposable-diapering population doesn't toss solids in the toilet like you are supposed to. Again..YUCK!!
#3 Disposable diapers are harmful to the environment.
Hmmm, lets think about all of the manufacturing processes & the shipping from the manufacturer to the distribution center to the store to your home. The environmental impact is huge, and horrible for out environment. Cloth diapers are manufactured once, shipped once, then reused for several years, sometimes for all your children and you can pass them on to another family!! I have some cloth dipes for my twins that were used by my 5 year old son when he was in dipes.
#4 The materials that make up Pampers diapers are depleting our forests.
Pampers is saying their source is from sustainable forests in North America. Yeah, ok ummm, but they are Still cutting down trees. & they will continue to cut down trees, because there will be a constant demand for more disposable diapers. Cloth diapers are made once, and used over & over & over & get the point:)
Some more "myths"
#5 Cloth diapers are expensive!
We have twins in cloth!!! The start up cost is a larger single cost, rather than spending $15+ every week (We have TWINS) but that start up cost is only ONCE. You can purchase 12-36 diapers (depending on how often you want to wash) per child from birth through potty learning. & you get to sell those diapers or you can keep them & use them if you have another baby! Try doing that with disposables! YUCK!! I'd rather spend that money at once rather $1000's more through the years!
#6 Cloth diapers are so much more work!
Cloth diapers are no more work than disposables. I have twins and a 5yo BOY!!! We do MAYBE 2 more loads a week then we did before we had our twins, then again our son was younger also. A 5yo boy produces A LOT of laundry..every day last week my son came in from playing covered in mud from head to toe, should I put him in a paper bag when he plays so that we don't have to do more laundry, I could just throw it away when it's dirty, it would be less to deal with? I wouldn't put my kids in paper clothes, why would I put them in paper diapers!
#7 I don't want to use pins & rubber pants on my child!
Do your baby a favor & check out some of today's modern cloth diapers at a site like KellysCloset
Do your baby a favor & check out some of today's modern cloth diapers at a site like KellysCloset
#8 Cloth diapers have too many options!
Moonbeam BumGenius 3.0
Zinna BumGenius 3.0
Go Cloth you won't regret it!!!
I used cloth diapers on my daughter ( 30 years ago her birthday was yesterday). Looks like they've made some improvements. giggle. Wishing you happiness, Katherine