Friday, May 28, 2010

On this Day!!

On this day in 2004:
We found out we were expecting our 1st baby!!
We didn't find out "who' we were it was a long wait!
In January 2005 our Sweet little Elias came 2 weeks early!
We were so happy to have a boy!!
God has a plan for my life...and I couldn't be happier!!

Friday, May 21, 2010

Aloha Friday & Friday Follow!!!

Aloha Friday is the day to take it easy, and relax!! Aloha is hosted by Kailani! You can play
just post a question in your blog and link up on Kailani's current Aloha
Friday post. Then visit the other blogs in the link up and answer their fun questions.
My Questions is:
When you were a kid did you want to have kids of your own? How many did you want??
My Answer:
Yes!! I wanted kids! I wanted to have 3 kids...a boy, then twin girls,
I was going to name them (at age 7): Joey, Chloe, and Zoe:)
Close...I have a older boy, then boy/girl twins! God works in his way, huh:)!!

Along with Aloha Friday, I am also playing Follow Friday!
Become my follower and don't forget to
leave a comment with your URL so that I can follow you!!
Happy Friday!!
Have a Great Weekend!

Thursday, May 20, 2010

We all have a picture frame with no glass...right? A few weeks age I noticed that the glass had broken in a 16x20 frame I have...I threw away the glass, but I set aside the frame and the cardboard backing thinking it might be able to use it. Fast forward to this past Monday. I was cleaning the twins room & getting it ready to "show off" to my sister who is visiting in 2 weeks. When I noticed that I didn't have a place to display all of Gabbi's hair flowers and bows that I have made her and sell at My Little Cupcakes etsy shop. Enter Frame:)

To do this you will need:

Any frame you want (it doesn't even need to be broken...just remove the glass)

Cardboard Backing of the frame

Fabric of your choice


Hot Glue (please be careful not to burn I ALWAYS do)

Here's what I did:

1. I cut the fabric a little larger than the cardboard.

2. Lay the fabric face down, put the cardboard on top, hot glue around all the edges!

3. cut your ribbon in as many strips as you want, sized in both height and width.

4. Position the ribbon where you would like it (I made kind of a H design with my ribbon)

5. hot glue ribbon in place on the back side of the cardboard

6. when all the glue has cooled place the now Beautiful cardboard backing in the frame and hot the around the edges. After cooling your ready to add what ever you want to display to it!


(I just put tacks in the a so light. If you are using something heavier you might want to use something stronger than tacks.)


Monday, May 17, 2010

Cloth Diaper "myths" corrected!!!

This post is part of the Real Diaper Facts carnival hosted by Real Diaper Events, the official blog of the Real Diaper Association, a 501(c)(3) nonprofit dedicated to cloth diaper education. Participants were asked to write about diaper lies & real diaper facts. See the list at the bottom of this post to read the rest of the carnival entries.-------The Real Diaper Association asked bloggers to write about cloth diapers lies vs. facts. They sited a page on Pampers website ( that is a list of "Myths & Facts" about cloth diapers vs. disposables.
I've decided to take part, I have a big problem with these lies!
Starting with the "Myths" that Pampers used #1-#4
#5-#8 are some other common Myths to be addressed.
These are what Pampers calls"Myths":
#1 Cloth diapers are better for my baby.
Actually, they are. They don't contain the chemicals (such as Dioxin, a carcinogenic chemical listed by the EPA as the most toxic of all cancer-linked chemicals) that disposables do. Personal experiences shows little to no rashes even eliminated - by using cloth diapers, however disposables, that's a different story...Rash,rash,rash. They leak less, for us almost never! The child feel wetness, that helps in potty training, my son was younger 18 months when he started using the potty!!
#2 Cloth diapers are better for the environment than disposables.
Pampers says that Cloth & Disposables are equal. That is a flat out lie. A disposable diaper your child wears today will still be in a landfill 200-500 years from now...YUCK. 1 or 2 more loads laundry a week does not equal 200-500 years in a landfill. What about the bio hazard aspect that is human feces causes by just sitting around in landfills. 99% of the disposable-diapering population doesn't toss solids in the toilet like you are supposed to. Again..YUCK!!
#3 Disposable diapers are harmful to the environment.
Hmmm, lets think about all of the manufacturing processes & the shipping from the manufacturer to the distribution center to the store to your home. The environmental impact is huge, and horrible for out environment. Cloth diapers are manufactured once, shipped once, then reused for several years, sometimes for all your children and you can pass them on to another family!! I have some cloth dipes for my twins that were used by my 5 year old son when he was in dipes.
#4 The materials that make up Pampers diapers are depleting our forests.
Pampers is saying their source is from sustainable forests in North America. Yeah, ok ummm, but they are Still cutting down trees. & they will continue to cut down trees, because there will be a constant demand for more disposable diapers. Cloth diapers are made once, and used over & over & over & get the point:)
Some more "myths"
#5 Cloth diapers are expensive!
We have twins in cloth!!! The start up cost is a larger single cost, rather than spending $15+ every week (We have TWINS) but that start up cost is only ONCE. You can purchase 12-36 diapers (depending on how often you want to wash) per child from birth through potty learning. & you get to sell those diapers or you can keep them & use them if you have another baby! Try doing that with disposables! YUCK!! I'd rather spend that money at once rather $1000's more through the years!
#6 Cloth diapers are so much more work!
Cloth diapers are no more work than disposables. I have twins and a 5yo BOY!!! We do MAYBE 2 more loads a week then we did before we had our twins, then again our son was younger also. A 5yo boy produces A LOT of laundry..every day last week my son came in from playing covered in mud from head to toe, should I put him in a paper bag when he plays so that we don't have to do more laundry, I could just throw it away when it's dirty, it would be less to deal with? I wouldn't put my kids in paper clothes, why would I put them in paper diapers!
#7 I don't want to use pins & rubber pants on my child!
Do your baby a favor & check out some of today's modern cloth diapers at a site like KellysCloset
#8 Cloth diapers have too many options!
Check out the above website & checkout a post I did a while ago "CLOTH DIAPERS"
My Little Prince in his
Moonbeam BumGenius 3.0

My Little Princess in her
Zinna BumGenius 3.0

Go Cloth you won't regret it!!!

Thursday, May 13, 2010

Crafty Thursday!

Mommy & Me Birdhouse Painting!!

Elias had so much fun painting his birdhouse! He loves watching birds so in additon to our bird houses we also have 2 LARGE bird feeders. He just sits and watches them..It is so sweet, I have a animal lover for sure!!!


Wednesday, May 12, 2010

Way back When-esday:

Way Back When-esday: Baby Bumps ♥

♥ Christmas Eve 2004 ♥
Elias was born
3 weeks later, at 38 weeks and 6 days!

♥ August 2009 ♥
Simon & Gabriella were born
3 weeks later, at 38 weeks and 1 day!
♥ ♥ ♥ 2 Big Bellies, 3 Beautiful Babies,
endless memories!! ♥ ♥ ♥
Play along with Way Back When-esday!What memorable image(s)
makes your mid-week wonderful? Dive into those digital photos or scan
a scrapbook find and play along with Way Back When-esday.
Be sure and link back to participate in the web-wide reverie...
and leave a comment when you do!
Hosted By Cheryl!

♥ ♥ ♥ ♥ HAVE A GREAT WEDNESDAY ♥ ♥ ♥ ♥

Monday, May 10, 2010

Hosted by Krystyn

I had a VERY WONDERFUL Mother's Day with my Beautiful Children
and Fantastic Husband!!!


Friday, May 7, 2010

Aloha Friday & Friday Follow!!!

Aloha Friday is the day to take it easy, and relax!! Aloha is hosted by Kailani! You can play just post a question in your blog and link up on Kailani's current Aloha Friday post. Then visit the other blogs in the link up and answer their fun questions!

Also I am playing Friday follow...become a follower & leave a link

to your blog so I can follow you back!!

My Question is:

What's your nickname...Yours, your hubby/wife, kiddos? Answer all if you want:)

My Answer:

Mine: britbrat, boo, puddin' head

Hubby's: abiebaby, berham, lovey

Elias: lylee, buggy, pants, little ham, elias tobias

Simon: simeaticus, yimin, stinky, simon the moose

Gabriella: beauty & grace, cessa, princess, gabbi the goose

Hollie (our dog): hollie go lightly, hollie bollie, hollinsworth

just to name a few...seriously...we are a nickname family:)

Happy Friday!! Have a great weekend

Thursday, May 6, 2010

"hey mommy..."

A Early Mother's day gift...
"Mommy, is it lunch time?" I hear from the Kitchen. "just about" I call back to my little boy, who I can hear is getting into the kitchen cabinets..again. This has been going on since he could stand, always rummaging around anything at his level. "Mommy" I hear again. "Yes, Elias" I reply. His little voice again "do you like peanut butter?" me again "Yeah Elias...why?". Rummaging again...I am thinking to my-self, 'great another mess to clean up, this has already been such a draining day...ugh'. I hear the pounding of little feet, and giggling...hmmmm! Elias bursts into the living room, where I am holding 2 VERY fussy babies. Elias squeals "Look Mommy, I made you lunch!!!" there my sweet little angel stands, holding a plate with a peanut butter sandwich on it, HUGE smile on his sweet little face!! This was enough to make my heart melt, he knew that mommy had a headache and he wanted to help me relax...and he did!

There truly is nothing like being a mommy!


What a spring!

Wow! This week has been filled with milestone after milestone!! Where to start...Well the twins are truly twins...They started crawling in the same minute...really! Si & Gab each got their first tooth...Gab's came in a 2pm, Si's came in at 3pm...crazy:) Less then 12 hours later Elias has his first loose tooth, Ironically it is the same tooth that is coming in on both the babes!! The Twins are both talking!! On Easter Gabbi started saying "Mama" the very next day Simon started saying "Dada" so precious! Since then they have been mimicking EVERYTHING we say! Simon is already trying to walk, he can stand on his own...only for a moment...but still!! Gabbi is less interested in walking, she is so easy going:) My boys just have to be on the go!! Elias has started reading, and has been working on multiplication...I have flashcards that he LOVES, he actually is picking it up really fast. He has been Daddy's helper at some photo shoots he's had. Yesterday he went on a Senior Photo Shoot and really helped by getting the Young Lady to laugh! Elias is always filling our home with song! Jesus Loves me is a favorite of his, Father Abraham, This little light of Mine and Itsy bitsy Spider are regulars too. The Twins have started dancing when they hear is truly the cutest thing to see, they love Jack Johnson! The kids have started playing together, it is so amazing to see Elias interact with his little brother & sister, he is so sweet and gentle. The other day we overheard Elias trying to teach Simon & Gabriella how to hold something was precious! Geez! can you tell I adore my kiddos...because I DO!! We are looking forward to this weekend!! A birthday party, Mother's Day, Family Time...can't get better than that!! Mother's day is going to be a nice quite day, hanging around the house, playing outside, dinner, my hubby & my babies spending every moment with me...everything that I want! Happy Mother's Day to you!

Monday, May 3, 2010

Makes My Monday!

Makes My Monday: These Precious Faces!!
After a long rough week, a relaxing but short weekend, there is nothing like waking up to see these 3 little faces smiling at me! I am so proud to be their mommy! XOXOXO to my sweet babies, E, S, and G!!!
Play Makes my Monday too!
Hosted by Cheryl, at the always fun Twinfatuation!!

Have a great MONDAY!!!:)