Wednesday, April 21, 2010

Cloth Diapers!

Let Talk Cloth!


Have you thought about switching you little one or ones to Cloth? Did you will spend $2000 on disposable diapers per baby & if you have twins like us...WOW that's a lot of money. Compare that to an average of $500-$700, this includes washing costs for your first child's diapering years using cloth diapers. We have spent less than $300 for the twins. Depending on the diaper system & the brands you use you can spend a little less or more than the above mentioned amount on cloth dipes. Plus they have great resale.

USE CLOTH DIAPERS AND REDUCE DIAPER RASH! Diaper rash is rearly a problem for us with our cloth diapers. Cloth diapers are more breathable and cloth diapered babies are changed more often, as the diaper starts feeling damp after about 4 hours. Disposable diapers mask the wetness, therefore parents have no idea of how long the child has been wearing a wet or poopy diaper, which can cause a horrible rash. This, together with the fact that disposable diapers become much hotter, allows more rapid bacterial growth which can cause diaper rash. If your baby is like my little ones and has ultra sensitive skin the reaction to the chemicals in disposable diapers may also contribute to diaper rash.

CLOTH DIAPERS ARE FAST AND EASY TO USE! There are so many new styles of cloth diapers now available, and are just as easy to use as a disposable diapers. Plus if you get a diaper sprayer, you will rarely if ever have to dunk or touch a dirty diaper!!! Have 3 kids including a 5 year old boy, we are only doing two additional loads of laundry per week! It's great for the babies, your pocketbook and the environment!

CLOTH DIAPERS ARE COOL & COMFORTABLE FOR BABY! Cloth diapers are soft and comfortable made of natural, chemical free, very absorbent fibers. Most diapers are made of cotton, bamboo & hemp. Unlike disposable diapers, cloth diapers stay cool even on the hottest summer day, during diaper changes you will notice that your baby's bum isn't clammy, but it is soft and dry. Many cloth diapers use a layer of fleece against the babies skin, like some of our favorites : Monkey Doodlez, and some of our fitteds. This ultra soft layer will keep you baby feeling dry at all times, since it wicks the moisture into the diaper.

POTTY TRAINING IS EASIER WITH CLOTH DIAPERS! On average cloth diapered children potty train 6 months earlier than children wearing disposable diapers. Elias was totally potty trained by 2 1/2. He started wanting to use the potty regularly at about 14 months. Since cloth diapers do not mask the sensation of wetness they know that they are wet and that it is uncomfortable, and want to do something about it!

CLOTH DIAPERING FITS ANY LIFESTYLE! Cloth diapering easily fits any lifestyle, even for us ultra busy Mommy's or any full time daycare situation!

CLOTH DIAPERS ARE THE HEALTHY ALTERNATIVE - SAFER FOR NEW DELICATE SKIN! Cloth diapers don't contain any of the harmful chemicals that disposables are loaded with. My kids have VERY sensitive skin.

Disposable Diaper Studies

So your Baby is going to spend the first 2 1/2 to 3 1/2 years of his or her life in diapers. You are thinking Disposable diapers are an easy way of diapering, but are the possible health hazards these diapers pose worth the simplicity? Below are some VERY scary Disposable Diaper studies, I wanted to share with you

MALE INFERTILITY: Disposable diapers could be the cause of the sharp rise in male infertility over the past 25 years. It is thought that disposable diapers heat up boys testicles to such a degree that it stop them from developing normal.

SODIUM POLYACRYLATE: which is linked to Toxic Shock Syndrome and can therefore no longer be used in tampons, is the super absorbent gel in disposable diapers. You can find the little "gel balls" on the skin of your baby's bottom. It is interesting to note that employees in factories manufacturing sodium polyacrylate suffer from female organ problems, slow healing wounds, fatigue and weight loss.

TBT (TRIBULYTIN): In May 2000 Greenpeace found TBT in Pampers® Baby Dry in Germany. TBT is one of the most toxic substances ever made. It harms the immune system and impairs the hormonal system. There is speculation that it could cause boys to become sterile.

DIOXIN: Traces of the carcinogen Dioxin have been found in disposable diapers. Dioxin causes liver disease, immune system suppression and genetic damage. It is a byproduct of bleaching with chlorine gas and is banned in most countries. Unfortunately, the USA still allows it.

ASTHMA : In 1998 a study showed that childhood respiratory problems, including asthma, might be linked to inhaling the mixture of chemicals emitted from disposable diapers.

UTI INFECTIONS IN BABY GIRLS: also seem on the rise with an increased use of disposable diapers.

BABIES POORLY DEVELOPED OUTER SKIN LAYER ABSORBS ABOUT 48 CHEMICALS : If you use disposable diapers & wipes and standard baby products. This can be greatly reduced by using cloth diapers and natural baby products.

Cloth Diapers are better for the Environment!

Every child adds a minimum of 6500 disposable diapers (30% of which is non biodegradable) to our landfills. Included in the soiled diapers are many of pounds of raw fecal matter. Viruses found in the feces can pose a threat to our water supplies and wild life, by seeping through cracks that sometimes develop in landfills.

The manufacturing of disposable diapers poses another threat to our environment, requiring large quantities of wood pulp (trees) and dangerous complex chemical substances, which leave behind many harmful byproducts.

Compare all that to the resources used to make and clean three to five dozen cloth diapers with no raw fecal matter!)

My Current Stash:

18 bumGenius 3.0

20 Fitteds: I got these at a garage sale believe it or not:)

5 Monkey Doodlez Micro Doodlez AIO

24 Unbleached Indian Prefolds

24 Hand Colored Indian Prefolds

6 Fleece Covered Indian Prefolds

20 Fleece Doublers I made

4 Flip Covers

4 Snappis

And I still want more...Cloth Diapers are so addicting:)


The Many Different types of Cloth...

The following list is arranged alphabetically.


- All-In-One Diapers

, also seen written as AIOs, are the style of cloth diapers most similar to a disposable diaper. Often purchased by those caregivers seeking absolute convenience, or parents of babies and toddlers in day care, All-In-One diapers are constructed of all the necessary components needed in a diaper - they are an all in one cloth diaper unit.

All-In-One Diapers are easy to put on baby

. Most styles of All-In-One Diapers secure around baby with some form of Velcro or hook & loop closure tabs; snaps can also be used. The inner lining that rests against baby's skin is made from any number of fabrics - 100% organic cotton, flannellete, hemp, and even stay-dry microfleece. The outer layer is made from fabrics treated for waterproofing.


- Contour Diapers are hourglassed shape and made to contour to baby; hence the name. They aren't exactly a prefold diaper, although they are sewn in layers. They also aren't exactly a fitted diaper - though they do contour to baby's body. Without the need for any cloth diaper folds, or the use of elastic at the waist or legs, contour diapers boast a trim fit and are secured around baby with diaper pins, snappi fasteners, or a cloth diaper wrap


There are some Contour Diapers with elastic at the leg, but this is atypical; that style of Contour Diaper is often called a 'semi-fitted' cloth diaper.


- Diaper Covers, also called cloth diaper covers or cloth diaper wraps, are an absolute necessity if you cloth diaper your baby with any style of cloth diaper that doesn't have an outer waterproof fabric layer. Available in an assortment of colors, fabrics and sizes, cloth diaper covers will protect your baby's clothing, crib bedding, car seats, and anything else their bum touches, from being soiled with whatever surprises baby has left for you in his/her cloth diapers


Most Diaper Covers can be classified as one of two styles; pull-ons that simply pull-up or down, and cloth diaper wraps which come off and on using snap or velcro wings that wrap around baby (much like a disposable).

Diaper Covers are made from water-resistant and waterproof fabrics such as nylon, PUL, or heavier fabrics such as wool or fleece. Though the heavier fabrics are not recommended as an everyday cloth diaper cover to use beneath baby's clothes, they do tend to be a favorite for night-time diapering



- Diaper Doublers are absorbent, multiple-layered pads designed to increase absorbency for heavy-wetting babies or during extended periods of times such as naps, night-time diapering

, or even for long car trips. Diaper Doublers are placed atop the inner layer of a cloth diaper, along the length of the crotch.


- Diaper Fasteners are varied, but include both the traditional plastic-topped and heavy duty brass locking head diaper pins, as well as the stretchy plastic t-shaped grippers known as Snappi Diaper Fasteners

. Diaper Fasteners are simply a means to secure baby's cloth diaper on them in a safe and comfortable way.


- Fitted Diapers are made from more varieties of fabric than you can imagine; 100% cotton (bleached and unbleached), certified organic cotton, cotton fleece, cotton velour, and even hemps and sherpas. Absorbency, as well as price, will vary with the type of fabric used to sew Fitted Diapers. More often than not, Fitted Diapers are gathered with elastic (encased or not) at the thighs and waist and secure with velcro and snaps on the wrap-around wings; there are a few versions without snaps or velcro closures that require a diaper pin, snappi fastener or a wrap-style diaper cover to secure them to baby. They look and cut resembles a disposable diaper, but without a waterproof outer layer, so Fitted Diapers do require a cloth diaper cover to contain seepage when baby wets. Fitted Diapers do not require any kind of cloth diaper folding to use. Check out our a step-by-step pictorial on how to put on a fitted diaper and pull-on diaper cover



- Flat Diapers are most often constructed of a single layer of stretchy, loosely knit birds-eye, they can also be found in muslin, flannel, organic cotton, terry, and various other fabrics. Though the typical cut is a standard 27 or 30 inch square, flat diapers can now be found in a large variety of sizes. Flat Diapers are not prefolded, so they will require cloth diaper folding

to get the single-ply diaper layered where baby needs it most. Once folded properly, Flat Diapers can be secured with diaper pins, snappi fasteners, or within any wrap-style cloth diaper cover.


- Inserts, much like Diaper Doublers, are absorbent, multi-layered pads, however, Inserts are typically purchased and used to stuff inside a Pocket Diaper

. Made from absorbent materials such as cotton, hemp, and microfiber, Inserts do not require any type of folding and can even be used in combination with a Diaper Doubler for babies or toddlers with heavier wetting patterns.


- Liners were created to ease the clean-up of a poopy cloth diaper and as a means to keep baby's skin dry INSIDE the diaper. A liner is placed atop the length of the stride INSIDE a baby's diaper; this forms a layer of protection for baby's sensitive skin. There are both reusable and single-use liners available. Single-use liners are made of cellulose and are both flushable and biodegradable; they are often referred to as rice paper liners. reusable cloth diaper liners

are made of fabrics such as suedecloth, microfleece, knitted silk, wool, or even cotton velour, and wash up for use over and over again.


- Prefold Diapers are constructed of multiple layers sewn in three panels separated by seams that run the length of the cloth diaper. Think of a three lane highway and you can grasp the visual. As would be expected, the middle section of a prefold diaper is designed with more layers, making it thicker than the two side panels; this puts the absorbency right where it is needed. Diaper Service Quality prefolds, like Diaper Rite Cotton Prefolds

can be found in layers such as 2-4-2, with the middle layer being 4 panels; as well as 4-6-4 and 4-8-4. Considered the most economical and versatile cloth diaper option, prefold diapers are just a step away from the large flat diapers, the only difference being prefolds are typically rectangular and not single-layered.

Prefold Diapers are sewn from as many different fabrics as any other absorbent cloth diaper, including 100% cotton, organic cotton, flannel, and hemp, to name a few and require additional washing for each diaper to reach full absorbency.

Cloth diaper covers are a necessity with any Prefold Diaper because they do not have a waterproof outer barrier. There are a number of

cloth diaper folding techniques when using Prefold Diapers

, some require cloth diaper pins or snappi fasteners to secure, and yet others need only a cloth diaper wrap.


- Pocket Diapers

are an anomaly in the cloth diapering world because they really aren't a cloth diaper at all - at least, not until they are assembled or 'stuffed'. A Pocket Diaper is basically a shell made by sewing two separate materials together, while leaving a 'hole' or 'pocket' of sorts to stuff-in an absorbent insert. Pocket Diapers must be assembled with this internal absorbent core BEFORE using.

The outer layer of a Pocket Diaper is typically made from a water-resistant or waterproof fabric, eliminating the need for a

cloth diaper cover. The inner layer of Pocket Diapers can be made of many materials, including microfiber, terry cloth, hemp, or even a prefold diaper (great for maximum overnight absorbency). The idea of a Pocket Diaper is to tailor absorbency without losing the convenience of an All-In-One Diaper. Plus, if you select a Pocket Diaper with a microfleece inner lining, the baby's urine will pass through the microfleece, into the absorbent core within the pocket, keeping baby dry to the touch EVEN THOUGH the cloth diaper in the pocket is soaked. Last, but not least, it is as easy to put a pocket diaper on baby as it is a disposable diaper.

You can find out more about the above topics on our cloth diaper articles page or at and

1 comment:

  1. Haha! Where was this post when I was researching cloth diapers right after Rylee was born!?

    I was SO overwhelmed at first realizing there were SOOOoooOOO many different kinds of cloth diapers.

    I was so upset when Rylee ended up not being able to use them. Poor girl has super sensitive skin. I've kept most of my stash "just in case" we have another baby. :) I love cloth, I wish my babies but did!
