Thursday, September 13, 2012

First Month Success!


We are about to end our 1st month of 2nd grade! I can't believe it has almost been a month since we started! It has been the best first month of school we have ever had!! Elias is eager to learn! Every morning he looks at his schedule for the day with excitement!!

What our day looks like...

7am - Wake Up
7am-8am cartoon and breakfast time
9am - Morning Chores: Make bed, pick up bedroom, take laundry downstairs
9:15am - Morning Prayer and Pledge of Allegiance {To the US and Christian Flags}
9:30 -10ish - ETC {Explode the Code}
10am - 11am - Bible time: Currently we are reading about Moses & American History
11am - 11:30 - Math {Monday, Wednesday, Friday} Science {Tuesday, Thursday}
11:30 - 12pm - LUNCH and FREETIME {usually you can hear phineas and ferb in the background!}
12:30 - 1pm - History {Monday, Wednesday, Friday} Art {Tuesday, Thursday}
1:30 - 2pm - Speech Therapy {Monday, Wednesday, Friday} iPad {Tuesday, Thursday}

{Somedays we are totally done WELL before 2...while others we are still trudging on at 3:30}

Elias LOVES math and he is really good at it! He really retains amazes me!! He is have a great time with addition, subtraction and the kid truly loves multiplication...what in the world?!? ;) Oh Life of Fred how I love you! Funny, Smart, Engaging! 

He is finding history to be a lot of fun as well! We are currently learning about Charles V and explorers! Some of my favorite times in history! Story of the World vol. 3 is FANTASTIC! I am totally in love with it! I really love the way that it is written! VERY engaging for kids of all ages!

Science is probably my easiest subject with him...he is going to be a scientist so anything science related he is ready to do with no complaining!! He would do science projects all day everyday if I would allow it! I haven't found a science program that I am just top dead in love with...yet! He really likes biology and botany. So I will continue to trudge on ;)

Art, while he has fun with does not have his heart the way it has mine. But that is more than ok! I am so proud of the things that he enjoys and that he is good at! I'm going to re-evaluate our current art and I think I am going to switch the focus in another direction. He will be starting pottery and painting next week! I KNOW he will love pottery!

American History = LOVE for my little
man! The more the better in his eyes! States, Presidents, famous battles, famous speeches, he loves it all!! I have to admit this makes me do happy because American history has always been my favorite subject! I would highly recommend looking at 'My Father's World' American History! FABULOUS!

Reading and Writing are going really great. He is dyslexic so it does have its rough patches. I myself am dyslexic as well so I know that helps him when he is feeling overwhelmed. If you have a dyslexic child I would highly recommend that you look into Explode the Code! When I first heard about someone was telling me "Oh my gosh! It's great, you will see a HUGE difference after only a few weeks! A more confident reader!" ect. I thought 'yeah don't know my kid. I can't be that great' Ok, ummm can I just say! OH MY GOSH it is amazing and I HAVE seen a HUGE difference! He is far more confident than I ever could have expected for the first month of school!

Honestly, this is our first month in a nutshell!!

I am so excited that next week E will be starting a number of crazy fun enrichment classes in a co-op type setting! It will be so great for him! He is really excited to make new friends and learn all kinds of fun new things that I could never pottery, irish dance, gymnastics, karate, wood shop, and violin!

All in all this first month has been FANTASTIC! I'm looking forward to what the next month {s} brings!


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